About Us

About Us

We are young, ambitious entrepreneurs that love crypto!

From mid to large-scale customers, our technical staff will manage your miners and all direct relations with the crypto mining host on your behalf. Moreover, Agreny brings you a comprehensive one-stop hosting solution, specifically tailored for your mining operations. Leveraging our worldwide network of reliable partners, we offer an all-encompassing hosting package tailored to your needs.

Ardi Axhami | CEO

Omer Verbani | CFO

Additional Team

Cryptocurrency Mining & Hosting and sales is what we do!

we specialize in providing the best asics and locations to make everyone able to mine currencies without having a piece of land, any equipment, or electricity fees. We take care of everything for you

2023 January

Project starting date

2023 July

First clients of Agreny

2024 Raising Investment

Agreny is looking to raise funding to expand its operations